![171101_siteplan [Converted]-01.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/581e1825ebbd1a19863dea1d/1511978338157-TAMWG7THPL9M0GGCJVNP/171101_siteplan+%5BConverted%5D-01.jpg)

![171107_plan [Converted]-01.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/581e1825ebbd1a19863dea1d/1518182680328-IP7IMONTGY2U0I1UJ6HD/171107_plan+%5BConverted%5D-01.jpg)
![171030_section [Converted] (1).jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/581e1825ebbd1a19863dea1d/1518184940083-IEBLD8W2QQD8NFEBNKG4/171030_section+%5BConverted%5D+%281%29.jpg)

Villa in Isphisor
"Wherever we cast our gaze, the discussion regarding the basic principle immediately plunges into darkness. There's nothing we can do about it. After all, we wanted to clarify the issue of the basic principle. Meanwhile, clarity requires darkness, and light requires shadow; otherwise, there would be nothing to clarify. Goethe once mentions (Sprüche in Prosa, ed. R. Steiner, p. 365) a phrase by Johann Georg Hamann, a friend of Herder and Kant. It goes: 'Clarity is the proper distribution of light and shadow.' And Goethe succinctly and emphatically adds: 'Listen: this is Hamann!'"
From a series of lectures by Martin Heidegger delivered during the winter semester of 1955-1956 at the University of Freiburg.
Authors: Mikheil Mikadze, Oyat Shukurov, Elizaveta Lartseva